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Chemical properties of 2- (trimethylsilyl) ethanol and its application in organic synthesis?


2- (trimethylsilyl) ethanol is a colorless and transparent liquid with certain water solubility. It is a silicon-based substituted alcohol compound with general chemical properties of alcohol compounds. Through oxidation reaction, its hydroxyl unit can be converted into corresponding aldehyde or acid derivatives. In addition, it can be esterified with carboxylic acid compounds to produce ester derivatives.

Application of 2- (trimethylsilyl) ethanol

2- (trimethylsilyl) ethanol can be used to synthesize Teoc-protected amine, which is a common protective group, which can protect amine groups in organic synthesis and provide reaction selectivity. It can also be used to protect carboxyl and phosphate groups to prevent them from participating in unwanted reactions. Through the reaction with carboxylic acid, the corresponding esterification products can be generated, and the organic synthesis of protection and selectivity can be realized. In addition, the structure of 2- (trimethylsilyl) ethanol contains silicon-based units, which can be converted into other functional groups through appropriate chemical reactions to realize diversified chemical transformation.